Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Got the word this morning on the radio that I am not ranked in the top ten for wing bowl... Which is perfect, as I like the underdog slot.n Tonight I do 100 wings timed, as my final trial before competition.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Quote of the Week
"What would you attempt to do today, if you knew you could not fail."- Unknown
With all the excitement surrounding the upcoming Wing Bowl and my absurd quest, I thought I would reflect. I love to compete. There is something appealing about putting your all into training, pushing your limits, and then having an opportunity to test your training. I also find it keeps me focused. When I have a goal to strive towards, my studies and relationships tend to be stronger. No real point to this post, just rambling. Wanted to thank my coworkers for putting up signs of support, and well as my friends. With my knew found life as a F-list celeb., I know no matter what I do, I can not fail.
With all the excitement surrounding the upcoming Wing Bowl and my absurd quest, I thought I would reflect. I love to compete. There is something appealing about putting your all into training, pushing your limits, and then having an opportunity to test your training. I also find it keeps me focused. When I have a goal to strive towards, my studies and relationships tend to be stronger. No real point to this post, just rambling. Wanted to thank my coworkers for putting up signs of support, and well as my friends. With my knew found life as a F-list celeb., I know no matter what I do, I can not fail.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Well, we did it team. I managed to eat 50 (large) wings in 10 minutes. So it is on to Wing Bowl 14 on Feb. 3rd at 5am. Wing Tut will be representing Dirty South Jersey to the fullest. The closest second place was The Animal with 43 wings (although he should have been DQ'd for taking the meat off the bone with his hands). Found out that there is even a contest for the best float, winner gets round trip tickets anywhere in the US. Only in America. Looks like it will be a drunken asshole version of the Rose Bowl. Huge thanks going out to all those who showed up to support me. I would also like to thank Pax, God, El Wingador for his tips, the Academy, and the State of NJ for letting me eat Cabbage at lunch time. Grand Vitara, here I come!!!
Give me a T-C-A-T-S

Stratford, NJ
A petition is now circulating in the greater Stratford area to change the name of La Martinique Lanes, to the Thunderdome after last nights performance by the Cats.
In typical T-Cats fashion, they didn't show up until the 3rd frame. The team sorely missed by R. Base, who had to play grab ass with his ex-girlfriend who moved back to Turkey and was unable to make the match. He was certainly there in spirit.
The cats got there act together and coasted to the sweep, behind an exceptional two game effort from Da Pena (we are striking the second game from his record) giving him a 2 game 400 +.
Despite distractions from a very hot Asian American woman, and Smurph continuing to leave his beer on the seat so it can spill, the Cats kept their focus. With the sweep, the Cats are on top of the leader board for the second half.
This is George Clinton, saying good afternoon, good morning, and good night.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Aaron Neville's B-Day today

Big shout out going to my buddy DaPena for keeping me posted that today is Aaron Neville's 65th birthday. He is one of my favorite artists to sing karaoki songs too (not sure that makes sense but you get my drift. So a big salute to AN.
Look at this face I know the years are showing.Look at this life I still don't know where it's going.
I don't know much but I know I love you.That may be all I need to know.
Look at these eyes they never seen what matters.Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered.
I don't know much but I know I love you.That may be all I need to know. So many questions still left unanswered.So much I've never broken through.And when I feel you near me, sometimes I see so clearly.That only truth I'll never know is me and you.
Look at this man so blessed with inspiration.Look at this soul still searching for salvation.
I don't know much but I know I love you.That may be all I need to know.I don't know much but I know I love you.That may be all I need to know.I don't know much but I know I love youThat may be all there is to know
Monday, January 23, 2006
Reality, what a beautiful choice.
Stole this from http://paxromano.blogspot.com (truthfully, where I get must of my good info). I like the concept and my be joining the Church.

I am growing a beard for the first time, mainly because I am lazy, but here are some guys that have taken it to an entirely new level
Manic Monday Quote

Welcome to the Church of the Holy Cabbage. Lettuce pray. ~Author Unknown
-Managed to get down the Cabbage last night with a little sour cream and a lot of hot sauce (truth be told it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought)
Tonight, more of the same, running, lots of water, technique practice and cabbage dinner. I may be the only competitive eater to ever lose weight while training.
Oh yeah, and I heard everyone's favorite adulterer dropped 81 points last night.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
January 28, 1986
I just caught the tail end of a CNN Presents program about Christa McAuliffe. I living in Louden, NH at the time, my mother and my stepfather worked at project second start. I went to kindergarten with her daughter Caroline and we became friends. While I was only 6 years old, I do remember random things like jumping on the bed with Caroline and her brother Scott, and playing hide and go seek. My mother tells many stories about Christa, about what a wonderful person she was. She says that one time, when I was little she caught Caroline and I under the covers in bed, and another time, how she changed my diaper when I got crap all up my back on the way to see a play.
I learned quite a bit from this program. I learned that she was selected from 12,000 applicants to represent the Teacher in Space Program. I learned that there are now currently 40 schools that are named after her. I learned that her plan was to teach two lessons from space, and have them bounced to class in Concord via satellite. I learned that NASA officials messed up, and launched the Challenger without proper safety conditions after 6 previous attempts.
I recall sitting in class watching the shuttle take off along with my class mates. I remember when it exploded and the teachers were shocked, and the children confused. I remember days latter asking my mother "where do the body parts go."
But I realized after waching this special that Christa was a revolutionary and a martyr. It spoke of her openly discussing having gay friends in class, something that wasn't done in the mid eighties. She did more in death than in life to draw attention to the need for improved education in schools. Today there are numerous grants and college scholarships set up in her name.
In reflecting on the upcoming 20th anniversary of the Challenger tragedy, I thing it is most appropriate to take a look at the current state of public education. Would Christa be proud? Or would she be dismayed that nearly every major city in this country still has a 50% drop out rate. Lets hope that her legacy continues to shed light on the need for money and resources going to schools not just wars. As the old saying goes, perhaps it is time for the military in the U.S. to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.
I learned quite a bit from this program. I learned that she was selected from 12,000 applicants to represent the Teacher in Space Program. I learned that there are now currently 40 schools that are named after her. I learned that her plan was to teach two lessons from space, and have them bounced to class in Concord via satellite. I learned that NASA officials messed up, and launched the Challenger without proper safety conditions after 6 previous attempts.
I recall sitting in class watching the shuttle take off along with my class mates. I remember when it exploded and the teachers were shocked, and the children confused. I remember days latter asking my mother "where do the body parts go."
But I realized after waching this special that Christa was a revolutionary and a martyr. It spoke of her openly discussing having gay friends in class, something that wasn't done in the mid eighties. She did more in death than in life to draw attention to the need for improved education in schools. Today there are numerous grants and college scholarships set up in her name.
In reflecting on the upcoming 20th anniversary of the Challenger tragedy, I thing it is most appropriate to take a look at the current state of public education. Would Christa be proud? Or would she be dismayed that nearly every major city in this country still has a 50% drop out rate. Lets hope that her legacy continues to shed light on the need for money and resources going to schools not just wars. As the old saying goes, perhaps it is time for the military in the U.S. to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.
Training, day 1
Ran 3 miles, chugged a gallon of water and worked on my wing technique. Looks like I am at about 10 seconds a wing, however I used large wings, and I think that they will be using smaller ones come Thurs. Realized that I have to relax and get into a rhythm. Tonight I will be preparing cabbage for tomorrow night according to Thomas "Hungry Man" Hardy, the most important night of training. My goal is to get it down to 6 seconds a wing by Thurs. night.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
I hate cabbage
Reading over Kobayashi's (number one glutton, Nathans hot dog champ) training regime and it looks like a lot of running, chugging gallons of water, and cabbage. Not a fan of cabbage, so if anyone has any recipes to make this more tolerable, that would be appreciated.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Breaking News: The Ball Cruncher announces that he will be coming out of retirement

The Ball Cruncher is back, and no food is safe. The Ball Cruncher burst onto the Competitive Eating Scene in the summer of '05 to compete in his first and only IFOCE (International Federation of Competitive Eaters) event, the Salty Ball Championships in Wildwood, NJ. Finishing in a disappointing who knows what place, he retired to his small farm in the pinelands to chop wood and contemplate what could have been.
Yesterday at 10:33 AM eastern standard time, the ball cruncher announced that he will be competing in the a preliminary event for the 14th Annual Sold Out Virgin Wing Bowl in Philadelphia where over 25,000 people are slated to be in attendance. The prelim event will be at Lucy's bar on Market Street in Old City. It will go down at 10 pm on Jan 26th. The actual wing bowl will be on Feb. 3rd at 6 am.
The Ball Cruncher is looking for a new name, as he will be eating wings and not potato balls this time. So far WingTut and WingNut are the leading names. Please submit suggestions to the comments section of this site.
Winner this year gets a Grand Vitara (I really could use a new car). Second place gets a trip to Cancun.
For some records and rankins check out:
A tough pill to swallow
Stratford, NJ
The bottom line is cats dropped two of three in close battles. It stung like a fissure in my ass and I don't want to write about it.
fortunately, it is just bowling and the cats will be back next week to defend their family, honor and glory.
Dr. Gloom
The bottom line is cats dropped two of three in close battles. It stung like a fissure in my ass and I don't want to write about it.
fortunately, it is just bowling and the cats will be back next week to defend their family, honor and glory.
Dr. Gloom
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Back to School

"Back to school, back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm no fool. Got my lunch box packed, my shoes tied tight, I hope I don' t get in a fight, Ohhh back to school." -Adam Sandler in Billy Madison
Sitting in my first class after break...listening to sylabus blah blah blah. However, I think this psychopathology class my be an interesting refresher. I am looking through the DSM-IV attempting to figure out what my psychological classification is. I am leaning towards reverse bulimia with a touch of ADD and bipolar.
Quote of the Week

Cross country skiing is great if you live in a small country. ~Steven Wright
Wishing I were skiing today instead of at work. Talked to my father recently (he lives in Utah) and he and my uncle just went to Park City the other weekend. Lucky stiffs. In any case, hope everyone is surviving their back to work day, or as I like to call it...The Tuesday that sucks.
Monday, January 16, 2006
I Survived
Despite driving to Knoxville, TN on Friday the 13th, while there was a full moon, and leaving at 3 am (which according to Emily Rose is the devil's hour) we survived the trip.
Way to many conservative humans in South. Quite a few attractive bells, and no lack of banjo infested music. Overall Knoxville was a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
I enjoyed driving through the smokey mountains, and we even stopped near Dollywood (weird, the entire town surrounding Dollywood is outlet stores, go cart races, and bungee jumping facilities).
We took a detour on the way home to Asheville, NC. Very funky town, with a cool, free, hippie flair ( lots of community activities, free music, little shops, lots of green grocery stores).
Highlights, some fabulous BBQ, seeing good friends, and the mountains.
Way to many conservative humans in South. Quite a few attractive bells, and no lack of banjo infested music. Overall Knoxville was a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
I enjoyed driving through the smokey mountains, and we even stopped near Dollywood (weird, the entire town surrounding Dollywood is outlet stores, go cart races, and bungee jumping facilities).
We took a detour on the way home to Asheville, NC. Very funky town, with a cool, free, hippie flair ( lots of community activities, free music, little shops, lots of green grocery stores).
Highlights, some fabulous BBQ, seeing good friends, and the mountains.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Chronic "what" als of Narnia
Just watched a very funny SNL video. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=zLElfJ9YCh0
Cats begin second half of the season with a bang
Tulsa, OK-
The cats start the second half of the season off with a bang taking three games from Sir Bowls a Lot. It began with Smurph (AKA sketch) Dogg Nearly pulling a muscle in his back as he carried the rest of the Cats (he rolled a 234) as the other members bowled well bellow their averages.
In the second Joey B. Took off his silk boxers (literally, they were riding up my ass) and bowled a 170. Throughout all three games Base and DiPena were in a tight battle for lowest bowler. DP ended up taking the title with a 123 in the third.
It got ugly in the second when, after coming back from the restroom, Joey B. Had a line violation. "I must have stepped in something and nearly fell over. They wanted to take my mark off the score board, but the buzzer was not on tonight, so I was like quit dressing me up like the mail man and making me dance for you." Weapons were drawn but no shots were fired, as the swat team was called out and play continued.
In the end it was another less than inspiring performance, but the result was still positive. It was sort of like falling on your face, but missing a pile of horse shit.
So the key for next week will be passionate, sexy bowling (no that is not an oxymoron...Your a moron..I don't know what that means.)
This is your bowling editor TonyDansa saying keep your mind and balls out of the gutter.
The cats start the second half of the season off with a bang taking three games from Sir Bowls a Lot. It began with Smurph (AKA sketch) Dogg Nearly pulling a muscle in his back as he carried the rest of the Cats (he rolled a 234) as the other members bowled well bellow their averages.
In the second Joey B. Took off his silk boxers (literally, they were riding up my ass) and bowled a 170. Throughout all three games Base and DiPena were in a tight battle for lowest bowler. DP ended up taking the title with a 123 in the third.
It got ugly in the second when, after coming back from the restroom, Joey B. Had a line violation. "I must have stepped in something and nearly fell over. They wanted to take my mark off the score board, but the buzzer was not on tonight, so I was like quit dressing me up like the mail man and making me dance for you." Weapons were drawn but no shots were fired, as the swat team was called out and play continued.
In the end it was another less than inspiring performance, but the result was still positive. It was sort of like falling on your face, but missing a pile of horse shit.
So the key for next week will be passionate, sexy bowling (no that is not an oxymoron...Your a moron..I don't know what that means.)
This is your bowling editor TonyDansa saying keep your mind and balls out of the gutter.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Wedding in the Dirty
I continue to try to spiff up my blog, so this is a short post. On Friday, I will be headed to Knoxville, TN for my college buddies wedding. Not sure if it is going to be more of a ho down or a debutant ball. Will keep you posted.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Quote of the Week
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank
Thought this quote appropriate for the coming holiday.
You can keep that NYC
I must preface this posting by saying that I can not stand New York City. Regardless of your best laid plans, they always get f-ed up and cost you a minimum of 200 dollars and a headache.
However, I decided to go into this over night trip with a positive/optimistic outlook. I pre-planned everything. The little lady and I drove to Hoboken and took the path in to Rockefeller center and went to MOMA. Now I think 85 percent of modern art is bullshit. I often state that I saw the kid do a water color on canvas twice as good last week. But I do like some of the cool design stuff, and was rather impressed with a few new photo exhibits.
MOMA closed at 5:30 and we had four hours to kill until my buddies shindig. The little lady said she would pay for food. So we went to a pub near time square, met a cool guy from London and another from Paris, and an animator working at Nickelodeon. After much merriment, the little lady walked out 260 dollars poorer. It must have been the 6.50 shots and 8 dollar beers.
I also have a theory that the closer you are to Broadway, the more drama one encounters. Every time I am in the city there is some highly unnecessary drama. Tonight was no exception. I will spare you the details, but everyone ended up arguing at the party, and very little fun was had.
The highlight was in the am when I ended up having lamb with cucumber sauce at 9 am (hmmmm suspect).
My advice stay away from the Big Apple. It is huge, frustrating, expensive and tough to manage. I recommend Philly.
However, I decided to go into this over night trip with a positive/optimistic outlook. I pre-planned everything. The little lady and I drove to Hoboken and took the path in to Rockefeller center and went to MOMA. Now I think 85 percent of modern art is bullshit. I often state that I saw the kid do a water color on canvas twice as good last week. But I do like some of the cool design stuff, and was rather impressed with a few new photo exhibits.
MOMA closed at 5:30 and we had four hours to kill until my buddies shindig. The little lady said she would pay for food. So we went to a pub near time square, met a cool guy from London and another from Paris, and an animator working at Nickelodeon. After much merriment, the little lady walked out 260 dollars poorer. It must have been the 6.50 shots and 8 dollar beers.
I also have a theory that the closer you are to Broadway, the more drama one encounters. Every time I am in the city there is some highly unnecessary drama. Tonight was no exception. I will spare you the details, but everyone ended up arguing at the party, and very little fun was had.
The highlight was in the am when I ended up having lamb with cucumber sauce at 9 am (hmmmm suspect).
My advice stay away from the Big Apple. It is huge, frustrating, expensive and tough to manage. I recommend Philly.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Cats, lousy, but not lousy enough
The Daily Bowler
Stratford, NJ
Less than awe inspiring bowling folks. All three games for the cats looked a lot like a person trying to suck a golf ball through a hose (I knew a girl that could do that in college, hi honey if your reading)...They sucked.
The T Cats took the first as Joey B. Managed to roll a 173 since he had his shoes and ball back. In the second the cats dropped a close one by nine pins as Murph Dogg had a brain fart, leading to him picking up a single pin with his first ball in the tenth. However, that is why the Lord gave him two balls. But the second was unable to finish the job.
The surprise hero of the third match was R. Base whose performance can most aptly be described in his mid nineties hit "Joy (pump it up pump it up) and Pain, (keep it going now), sunshine (what else) and rain." Base came into the tenth frame determined to break 100. Dejected and with shrunken testicles he stepped to the plate and was the only one who marked in the 10th with a spare, strike combo. This was able to ward off a strong performance by "Crazy spikey hair, I have four silver studs in the back of my neck, and am fortunate that I am not paralyzed guy."
When asked what was going through his head in that 10th frame his response "mainly bitches and cake." Profound.
I has also been compared to running for minus 95 yards in a football game and then scoring the winning touchdown.
Bottom line, cats take two of three in a lack luster effort. Better to be a winner than lose when not playing very well, in a bowling setting...I always say.
Connie Chung Reporting
Had a cool photo but uploading was taking long so I bagged it. Also,
check out a highly entertaining video clip with O'Riley on Letterman last night at http://paxromano.blogspot.com.
Stratford, NJ
Less than awe inspiring bowling folks. All three games for the cats looked a lot like a person trying to suck a golf ball through a hose (I knew a girl that could do that in college, hi honey if your reading)...They sucked.
The T Cats took the first as Joey B. Managed to roll a 173 since he had his shoes and ball back. In the second the cats dropped a close one by nine pins as Murph Dogg had a brain fart, leading to him picking up a single pin with his first ball in the tenth. However, that is why the Lord gave him two balls. But the second was unable to finish the job.
The surprise hero of the third match was R. Base whose performance can most aptly be described in his mid nineties hit "Joy (pump it up pump it up) and Pain, (keep it going now), sunshine (what else) and rain." Base came into the tenth frame determined to break 100. Dejected and with shrunken testicles he stepped to the plate and was the only one who marked in the 10th with a spare, strike combo. This was able to ward off a strong performance by "Crazy spikey hair, I have four silver studs in the back of my neck, and am fortunate that I am not paralyzed guy."
When asked what was going through his head in that 10th frame his response "mainly bitches and cake." Profound.
I has also been compared to running for minus 95 yards in a football game and then scoring the winning touchdown.
Bottom line, cats take two of three in a lack luster effort. Better to be a winner than lose when not playing very well, in a bowling setting...I always say.
Connie Chung Reporting
Had a cool photo but uploading was taking long so I bagged it. Also,
check out a highly entertaining video clip with O'Riley on Letterman last night at http://paxromano.blogspot.com.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
New Years Quote
New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. ~Hamilton Wright Mabie
Wrote a big thing last night and lost it... caus I don't know why. Anyway, Shout outs going to all those at Casa De Murphy for a wonderful New Years.
Everyone else, may all your hopes and dreams come true in 06.
Wrote a big thing last night and lost it... caus I don't know why. Anyway, Shout outs going to all those at Casa De Murphy for a wonderful New Years.
Everyone else, may all your hopes and dreams come true in 06.