Thundercats Hooo!!!

Random Thoughts...Mainly about bowling.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Quote of the Week

I'll stick with gin. Champagne is just ginger ale that knows somebody. ~M*A*S*H, Hawkeye, "Ceasefire," 1973

My cousin had his bachelor party Sat. Debacle!!! Everything was going smooth, a lovely meal at the Library IV, a van ride to the Tropicana in AC. First to fire waters, then to Hooters, where my cousin was suddenly missing. Found him in the bathroom booting his brains out. He is roughly 150 pounds soaking wet and his friends and I are 235 plus. Looks like he tried to keep up and over rated it. Spent the next several hours force feeding him water (I was delegated responsibility, as I went to college, and evidently have rep as a partyer). About a gallon of water later, and an hour and a half, the obligatory crack head, selling everything from heroin to the kitchen sink, stumbles on in and pisses about two feet from my cousins head before I could stop him. Good times. Ended up calling it a bust and taking the van back home. I figured I saved myself about 60 more dollars and a headache in the morning, if I were to dwell on the positive.


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