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Random Thoughts...Mainly about bowling.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Cindy Sheehan

I haven't had a decent political rant in a while so hang in there. Was reading an article that said CS's charge for wearing an antiwar T-shirt to the State of the Union address was "unlawful conduct." It sounds to me she was charged with "we are not sure what to charge you with, and we are concerned you will disturb the speech." This is called a trumped up charge. Now, lets also take freedom of speech into consideration. Why is Cindy Sheehan not allowed to wear an antiwar T-shirt to the state of the Union address. The only thing I can come up with is that people may be persuade to think, which we know is not a strong suit of the Bush Administration.

I am appalled by what this country is doing. A while back I received a relatively accurate email reflecting on how this current administration is much like a fascist regime. I will not go into detail, but one of the things they stated was the fascist regimes take away freedom in the name of defense. This is certainly happening in this instance, particularly with the Patriot Act.


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