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Random Thoughts...Mainly about bowling.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Empowering Social Work

Our profession is undervalued. Let us set aside for the moment the poor pay and placing ourselves in thge center of difficult situations. Let us also set aside the sleepless nights, and adjustment of our own lives to assist others.
What I would like to focus on is a common occurrence I see. This is social workers cowering in the face of other perceived "more respected" professionals. For instance if a social worker is in court along side a doctor and a lawyer, often this individual feels overpowered or insignificant. These instances can lead to our clients not being advocated for properly. So I say, empower yourself. Don't be bullied or intimidated by other professions that typically don't know as much about your client as you do, because they are the so called experts. Take a stand, and be proud of what you do.


Blogger Pax Romano said...

Amen, preach it brother!

5:56 AM  
Blogger Zelda Parker said...

You're a great addition to our working family! Keep up the good work!

4:16 AM  

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